5735 Menzies Road, Duncan, BC. PHONE 250-709-7339

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Delivery and Pick-Up Options

Can’t Make it the Store ???

1..Free Delivery to Victoria will resume in January

The bees are ‘buttoned up’ for the fall and winter and so we are stopping our free delivery service until orders pick up in the New Year.
Last year we were doing deliveries mid January.  :-/

Our Store Remains Open Year Round.  3 Days a week for shopping and Gate Pickup is available almost every day.

2..Free  Delivery to Nanaimo will resume in January

3..Gate Pick-up is available on most days, except Sundays .  Generally we need one day notice.

*Please leave preferred date and time in the comment box when you check out. 

4..Payment Options:

Paying ‘online’ is an Option – you can also pay in person or by E-Transfer with the ‘Pay Later’ option.

For more info contact:  pat@cowichan-bees.com