NUC stands for ‘Nucleus Colony’
What is a NUC: In layman terms it is an established colony of bees on 4 or 5 frames that you put into your wooden hive box between other new frames. These 4 or 5 frames have a queen, lots of bees, eggs, brood, nectar and pollen plus some space for the queen to keep laying.
We recommend that new beekeepers begin with a NUC (as opposed to a package of bees that are imported in March)
NUCS should include an active laying queen; have 2-3 frames of Brood, 1 frame of food (nectar and pollen) and empty comb so the the queen can continue to lay. The Brood will be in different stages – eggs, larvae, and capped.
Availability April-July (It depends on the weather and on when Queens are ready)
We are not selling NUCS this year but if you are looking for bees, please email me or visit us at our store and we will connect you with a seller.
Supplies that we recommend you buy: Hive Kit #3 and Tool Set #3