Metal Queen Excluder – 2 options


Queen Excluder – Metal

Two options:

  • The standard Metal Queen Exluder is shinier and has 4 cross bars\
  • The Deluxe Metal Queen Excluder is less shiny and has 6 cross bars.

*see the image

Queen excluders prevent the queen from entering and producing brood in honey supers. The spaces are large enough for worker bees to move through but small enough that the queen is unable to fit through. This queen excluder is made from high quality metal that prevents rusting, warping, and oxidizing. These excluders have a long life span – they are heavy duty and built to last!

*** This item qualifies for a 5% discount off the regular price the Cowichan and Victoria Bee club members and approved frequent buyers. Club members must reside in the region of the club.  Membership will be verified.

Choose which one: