Beeswax – Sold by the pound


$12.50/lb ($27.75/kg) These chunks of pure beeswax are approximately 1-5 lbs each

The chunks are small enough to fit in most melting pots.

We also sell cotton wicking used specifically for beeswax candles as well a few other Candle Making Supplies

100% Pure Canadian bees wax.  Great for candles, beeswax wraps, creams, salves or for beekeepers to use on their equipment.

Our light coloured Pure Beeswax is from prairie Beekeepers and it is very clean and rendered and ready for use.  See Gallery photos.

The dark wax is from Vancouver island, a dark golden color, but may need to be filtered through cheese cloth or a nylon.

For larger blocks that get a discounted price See Beeswax -Bulk

*** ORDER BY The pound