5735 Menzies Road, Duncan, BC. PHONE 250-709-7339

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Discounts Offered

DISCOUNTs are Offered to:

  • Cowichan Bee Club Members (members that live in this region only)
  • Victoria Bee Club Members  aka CRBA (members that live in this region only)
  • FREQUENT BUYERS (Ask Pat to be put on this list)

Note: If your club is not on the list, talk to the Executive.  If they promote my business in their monthly newsletter I will give their members a discount.

Individual Hive Components 

5% Discount off the regular price (not off the sale price)

Please note:   Assembled Boxes and Frames do not qualify for any discounts


5% Discount off the regular price (not off the sale price)

Extracting Tools:

5% Discount off the regular price (not off the sale price)

Protective Clothing

5% Discount off the regular price (Discounts do not apply during a SALE)